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Cover Letter

Sarah Anderson




Name of contact

Forest Hills Eastern High School

2200 Pettis Ave NE, Ada MI, 49301


Dear [Name of contact], 


      My name is Sarah Anderson, and I am a second-year graduate student at Michigan State University. With the knowledge and experience I have gained through my academics and athletics, I believe I would be a great addition to the Forest Hills Public School community. Sport gives people so many opportunities, and I want to help student-athletes to grow intellectually and make mature decisions that will carry them to success outside the playing field. I am fortunate to have strong female role models in my life, my former coach being one of them. She has opened many doors for me and has been a positive influence in my decision to pursue my master’s degree in education. I truly believe that the running community needs more female coaches, which is why I am so passionate about education and leadership. I was led by strong females, and I want to do the same for young athletes. 

      Success doesn’t happen overnight, it’s a process. I want to teach athletes the importance of the little details because small steps will add up to strong results. Students need support systems, and I want to be the rock my athletes can come to for help, advice, or just need to talk. Helping students dream big is important to me. If my coach hadn’t pushed me towards my goals, I would not be where I am today. The completion of my master’s degree is just the beginning of my journey. The combination of exercise science and education is perfect for the career I intend on pursuing. I have months of experience leading group fitness classes, teaching at the university level, and coaching high school cross-country athletes. Keeping my students accountable and on track is very important. There are many factors that play into being a coach. People tend to focus on what they physically see, but there are many actions and decisions that coaches handle. By completing a master’s degree in education with a concentration in sports coaching and leadership, I learned about the factors that play a part in being a successful coach and team leader. This concentration has prepared me to be a positive model within administration and athletics. I have always found opportunities to lead and to help my peers, and I love being in group settings and working with others.

      I have really enjoyed teaching and being involved in the education department. I love the abilities education has given me as an athlete and as a coach. They are tools I look to sharpen every day, and having the opportunity to continue growing at Forest Hills Eastern high school would be amazing. I desire to teach within the Forest Hills Public School system to not only lead students to success in fitness, but also success in life after organized sport; to be a role model for the next generation of kids, and to empower them through sport as I have been. 


Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing back from you soon


Sarah Anderson

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